How Does it Work?

We recognise that schools already work hard to support those students experiencing significant barriers to academic attainment. We can offer help to that small number of students who have the ability to progress but are hampered by personal circumstances.

There can be a variety of reasons why a student may fall behind: they may not have quiet place to study owing to family and housing arrangements; or they may have caring responsibilities at home; or the student who is struggling to catch up after an illness. They all have to potential to succeed but just need that little bit of coaching to regain their confidence and begin to flourish.

We have a small team of qualified tutors who will work with 3 – 5 students at a time. They will focus on the areas where students are having difficulties and resolve them. Tuition takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, after school. We are based in the Methodist Church, Redhill where students will be offered a hot/cold drink and a snack before an hour’s tuition up to twice a week.

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